Day: August 31, 2020

  • Warren Buffet Biography: Learn from Life of the Most Successful Investor

    Warren Buffet is one of the most successful investors of all time. He runs Berkshire Hathaway since 1970, which owns more than 90 different companies. Warren is the son of a US congressman who is in the stock business since the age of 11. The first time when he filed tax he was only 13.…

  • Warren Buffet’s Investment Strategy during Corona Pandemic

    The world’s fourth-richest billionaire of USA is investing differently during the coronavirus pandemic. Warren Buffet’s investment strategy during the crisis is admired by many. He chose to take out his money from airlines and invest in less affected stocks like gas supply and rail companies. In the start, Warren Buffet’s company Berkshire Hathaway Inc faced…

  • How Many Trillionaires are there in the World?

    We know millionaires, billionaires, but who are trillionaires? The world’s money is accumulated in the accounts of millionaires and billionaires. According to data, there are more than 46.8 million millionaires at present. They own almost 158.3 trillion dollars collectively. Moreover, 2153 billionaires own trillion of dollars. But the question is how many trillionaires? First of…

  • What Exactly Happened in Portland, USA? Portland Shooting

    A man was killed by gunshot in Portland shooting by the supporters of President Trump against the clash with protestors of ‘Black Lives Matter’. Since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis the people are protesting in opposition to black killings by police. There was happening a nightly protest for this cause. On Saturday night,…